Monday, June 9, 2014

The Core Posting

Why are the bads bad and What is good about the following Bads?
1.  Bad:
We see the Space Shuttle in orbit ....and we hear the sonic booms from the Shuttle as it passes overhead. They wind up landing in the extensive LA drainage basins.

2.  Bad: Premise: The Earth's magnetic field is collapsing, and the field is what's protecting us from deadly cosmic rays and microwave radiation from space.
3.  Bad Why is the Earth's magnetic field collapsing? Because the iron core of the planet has stopped rotating. 
cutaway view of the Earth

4.  Bad:
The ship slams into a giant geode, and snags itself on a giant crystal of amethyst. The crew put on suits, go outside, and free the ship. 

5.  Bad:A microwave beam from space breaks through the weakened magnetic field of the Earth!

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